Sunday, November 21, 2021

The Crack-up Boom Cometh


One evening, in early September 1971, I sat in my grandfather’s study after dinner. I listened as he explained to my two uncles what Richard Nixon had just done by taking the country off the gold standard a few weeks earlier. My grandfather, a Republican, was livid. He railed against Nixon, called him a traitor, and said he should be tried for treason.

My grandfather, Sam Hamburger, was the President of Production Steel, a company he founded in 1930 at the onset of the Great Depression. Over the next several decades, he grew his business into a sizable supplier to the auto industry in Detroit. An unassuming tycoon, he was known as a kind man to all who knew him. He possessed a unique blend of dignified simplicity mixed with a refined intelligence. Always a visionary, he sold his company in 1969 to a U.S. defense contractor when he foresaw that he would not be able to compete with the Japanese and Korean producers in the years ahead. 

That night in his study my grandfather was as spirited as I had ever seen him. He spoke of the horrific consequences which result when a country’s central bank can print money without limit. He said there would now be nothing to keep the politicians honest. He described the societal evil of having the Federal Reserve Bank control the currency, and that the Fed was not even part of the federal government but rather a private, for-profit banking cartel serving its shareholders as opposed to the American people.

Every dollar in one’s pocket, wallet or purse, and every digit in one’s bank or investment account is a private bank’s note … and it comes with interest due and payable to the bank. Similarly, every dollar that our representatives in Congress borrow and spend in our name comes with interest due and payable to the same bank. The Fed prints its money out of thin air, lends it out, and then gets it back, with interest. Making his point my grandfather quoted fellow Detroit businessman Henry Ford: “It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.”

My two uncles asked lots of questions, I listened intently. My grandfather told the story of how all empires that printed money for the sake of staying afloat inevitably failed. He called the politicians scoundrels for going along with Nixon’s crime. He predicted the national debt would skyrocket. Could he have imagined that the number would be in the tens of trillions of dollars 50 years later? Or that the trend of doubling the national debt would begin with conservative Republican Ronald Reagan?

I was thirteen at the time and though I was wondering what my sister and cousins were doing outside I knew I had stumbled onto a once-in-a-lifetime lesson of the way things really work. That night my grandfather predicted an America where houses would cost millions of dollars and that cars would be in excess of $30,000 (now you can get a decent used one for that amount). He explained how this would be the greatest transfer of wealth ever. He told of a time when Americans would wake to find themselves indebted and poor in their own country. He predicted gold would go to the moon. Yet it was when my grandfather mentioned the crack-up boom theory of Austrian Economics ( that I made a forever mental note.

For the past fifty years and a couple of months, I have watched my grandfather’s prophecies unfold. The national debt is a disgrace. Debt permeates every single facet of our society - federal, municipal, corporate, household, personal. Inflation soars. The empire recedes. The gap between the rich and 99% of us is obscene. Gold has gone from $35/oz. to a high last year of $2090/oz. for a return of 5900%. And do not even get me started on the politicians. 

In this artificially and fraudulently stimulated economy people begin to think everything is worth more. Values appear to go up like private-company, tourist, space rockets. Starting wages at McDonalds’s are as high as $21/hour (we were only debating the minimum wage at $15/hour a year ago.) Those fortunate enough to have stock portfolios see their holdings swell. Many swear by the ballooning equity in their homes just as they did in 2007. Then it was easy money; now it is easy money and AirVRBO’s promise of forever riches at $379 per night. 

Yet it is all a trick. A scam. A delusion fabricated by a monetary printing press that is robbing us blind right before our eyes each and every day. Nothing has gone up in value, it just costs more and more of the depreciating currency units to purchase the same things as the currency units become worth less and less as more and more of them are printed.

The crack-up boom comes as the central bank accelerates attempts to sustain the illusion of an expanding prosperity without regard to consequences. With the passage of time more money is needed and more is created. Inflation surges. Prices of goods, services, housing and labors rise. Eventually this policy triggers a fundamental breakdown in the economy and then, suddenly (over a period of weeks or even less), the money loses its value and becomes exposed for what it is - worthless paper/digits. At that point, nobody will take dollars as payment. Still, people will be liable for the dollars that they owe - for their houses, cars, boats, businesses, educations - even though the dollars have no value.

How will Americans’ pension fund holdings, which are largely invested in debt instruments, hold up if there is credit crisis?

The house of cards tumbles; the merde hits the ventilateur.

We have already been given the word - reset. 

The minds at the Federal Reserve Bank seemingly have a plan in place. Can they finesse their way forth with all that may transpire as the currency and/or economy collapses?

A digital currency is all but a certainty … and such will also serve as a near all-encompassing way to track EVERYTHING that we do.

I suspect their plan will likely have the elites (1%) retaining most of the wealth with the rest of us (99%) being given just enough not to rebel.

Will their plan work?

Will we allow it to?

The people of America are too busy fighting with one another to even know we are all on the same side.

The powers that be like it this way.

The fight in our country between blue and red is a nefarious narrative that has been foisted upon us and too many have bought into it. 

The real battle is over who our government represents - the people or the corporations?

We need more than two political parties. We need to have our representatives constrained by term limits for the greater good of everyone other than themselves. We need to outlaw corporate money in our Nation’s Capital. We need to banish every last lobbyist from Washington D.C. We need to end the Fed. We need to recapture ownership of the money system. As I write all of this, it seems impossible. Impossible but necessary. Until we do so we are their pieces, using their money, playing on their board, by their rules, they make a profit on this arrangement and every transaction is to the detriment of every human being.

Most importantly we need to end all of the social division or divided we will fall.

Short of a revolt, we need to begin a different type of dialogue – a dialogue not heard in this country since our independence from the British 245 years ago. Our Nation’s Founders rose up against their version of this corrupt machine and now it is our turn. 

It will require honest acknowledgement of the fact that our politicians are owned by the corporate/military/industrial/security/taxation/banking complex. More specifically we need a discussion about how we are going to remove these career political operatives from office. We must talk with each other about the forces that are influencing our lives. Why is a private bank the beneficiary of its money creation powers as opposed to The People. What would a better arrangement look like? How can we change the present system?

There will be a tremendous price to pay for what our politicians have done to us. Tough times are right around the corner if not already here. Be prepared. Examine your priorities. Get out of debt. Buy physical precious metals now and before the next price advance.

How will crypto currencies fare in a crack-up boom environment? I get asked about cryptos nearly every day. Always I respond the same: there is no knowing what will happen to something that has never existed before and when living in unprecedented times.

The only thing that is a near certainty is that my grandfather’s money (gold) will outlast their stuff. 


  1. The rich-poor divide is what will bring down our country. When blue and red realize that they have both been equally ripped off that will be the day that a powerful force will be awaked.

  2. The U.S. is in deep doodoo. Biden continues in the footsteps of his predecessors mortgaging our future. This policy is nothing more than kicking the can down the road for another day. $29 trillion dollars, and that’s if you believe the government’s numbers.

  3. The roadmap to the future will better charted by studying history than listening to the rhetoric of CNBC and FOXBusiness types.

  4. A good place to start would be to audit the Federal Reserve Bank and take inventory of the gold at Fort Knox. Is there any left or did they fritter it all away? Congress has authority to audit the Fed’s books yet has never done so. What is wrong with our leaders? Correction, our politicians?

    1. The United States Treasury was meant to be the keeper of the nation's treasures. Now it is the greatest borrower on earth.

    2. The Ft. Knox gold is I am sure there, but the question is who owns it? Has it been leased out to the bullion Banksters and others?

    3. There is likely 8000 tons of metal there, but due to low purity it is only about 7000 tons of actual gold. Every country that can afford to has been adding to gold reserves since WWII except two - US and England. England sold off nearly all its gold at the behest of the US to try to keep the price down. US cannot get caught buying gold or the trope of the dollar being the world's store of wealth vanishes and the dollar would crash and gold would skyrocket. Russia does not have to buy on the open market, it is the No. 2 producer behind S. Africa; China has been buying massively for decades, along with most EU countries. Many suspect the world currency to replace the dollar will be Chinese-Russian backed at least partially by combined gold reserves many times what the US owns.

  5. The day will come when people realize that they’ve been sucked dry by the wealthy powers. When the money system begins to fail (as happens when a country prints money recklessly) the burdens of the ensuing adjustments made by government will then be placed onto the people. Social Security benefits will be cut. Pensions will sustain losses. The paper dollars in our pockets, purses and accounts will be junk. When it gets bad enough, and people get mad enough, people will take to the streets. This a movie humankind has seen many times before.

  6. What is the counter factual here? If you’ve been predicting this for 50 years, at what point do you retract the prediction? 60 years? 75? 100?

    Since 1970 GDP is up 23 fold. Interest payments as a share of GDP are about 20 basis points higher than 1970 but far lower today than for most of the 80s and 90s.

    1. We live in an hyperinflated, debt based economy which may continue on for a number of years, but if we're to learn from history, it won't last forever.

    2. I have heard it said that the manipulators can manipulate for longer than anyone could have imagined, yet when they are done being able to manipulate the unraveling happens far faster than anyone could have dreamed.

    3. In 1970, one income supported an entire household and put the kids through college with no debt.
      Yes, we have more comforts now (like air conditioned cars with cruise control), but we would have them now anyway. Technology moves forward regardless.

    4. The problem is the US Debt to GDP ratio is now 136%!

  7. At least nine 20th Century currencies have crashed and burned all due to inflation followed by hyperinflation, caused by overspending and exponential debt. The ultimate fall is taking much longer here in the US since we own the printing presses and central banks own the US, causing an artificially supported economy. The final crash will happen one day and the worthless dollar will undoubtedly be swiftly replaced by a new fully trackable digital currency. By then, an unfathomable amount of wealth will have vanished. Spare those who had enough foresight to diversify into hard assets that hold value. Thanks for the great article, Mr Hamburger.

    1. The US is technically insolvent and there will be a day when such becomes apparent to all. The crisis will likely show in the bond market when there will come an event where institutions want a real return on their money and all the manipulation cannot hold back these forces. If interest rates go up just 1% the interest on the national debt goes up $250 billion +/- per year. Suppose it goes up 2 or 3%? Could the US default on their bonds or is there a de facto default on them by inflating the value of them away? Which would be less painful?

  8. I'm 80 now, and I remember in 1992 or 1993 the deficit was about 265 billion which everybody though was insane at the time. Now chump change. Just remember it use to be a million was a lot then a billion, now were talking trillions. We're at the end because all that is left is quadrillion and what the hell is that. I feel it's probably over but we haven't realized it yet. Ed

  9. Glass Seagal and Citizens United- I thought Supreme Court Justices were supposed to protect the people from the corporations

  10. Voting and talk will get you nowhere. Force is the only way out. If you want freedom you must fight for it. We must unite and revolt. Revolution is the only cure.

    "No government can be maintained without the principle of fear as well as duty. Good men will obey the last, but bad ones the former only. If our government ever fails, it will be from this weakness." ~ Thomas Jefferson

    "Paper money is liable to be abused, has been, is, and forever will be abused, in every country in which it is permitted." ~ Thomas Jefferson

    "There's really no point to voting. If it made any difference, it would probably be illegal." ~ H. L. Mencken

    "Despotic governments can stand 'moral force' till the cows come home; what they fear is physical force." ~ George Orwell

    "The masses never revolt of their own accord, and they never revolt merely because they are oppressed. Indeed, so long as they are not permitted to have standards of comparison, they never even become aware that they are oppressed." ~ George Orwell

    "Until they became conscious they will never rebel, and until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious." ~ George Orwell

    "Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of liberty." ~ Thomas Jefferson

    "What country can preserve its liberties if its rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms." ~ Thomas Jefferson

    "A little rebellion now and then... is a medicine necessary for the sound health of government." ~ Thomas Jefferson

    "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." ~ Thomas Jefferson

    "When a government betrays the people by amassing too much power and becoming tyrannical, the people have no choice but to exercise their original right of self-defense — to fight the government." ~ Alexander Hamilton

    "War is when the government tells you who the bad guy is.
    Revolution is when you decide that for yourself." ~ Benjamin Franklin

    1. I think you are right, revolution may be the only cure.

    2. It appears that an armed rebellion is what the shadow gov't is aiming to instigate....and there's a place for that, but I believe a united, peaceful resistance rebellion would be much more powerful and productive in these times. Vote daily with where we spend and keep our $$ and say a firm NO to the regulations/ mandates they're trying to impose upon us. There are growing numbers on both sides of the political spectrum that see the lunacy of it all.

    3. "The main thing that every political campaign in the United States demonstrates is that the politicians of all parties, despite their superficial enmities, are really members of one great brotherhood. Their principal, and indeed their sole, object is to collar public office, with all the privileges and profits that go therewith. They achieve this collaring by buying votes with other people's money." ~ H. L. Mencken

      "Real power is achieved when the ruling class controls the material essentials of life, granting and withholding them from the masses as if they were privileges." ~ George Orwell

      "Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce." ~ James A. Garfield

      "A society becomes totalitarian when its structure becomes flagrantly artificial: that is, when its ruling class has lost its function but succeeds in clinging to power by force or fraud." ~ George Orwell

      "The government consists of a gang of men exactly like you and me. They have, taking one with another, no special talent for the business of government; they have only a talent for getting and holding office. Their principal device to that end is to search out groups who pant and pine for something they can't get and to promise to give it to them. Nine times out of ten that promise is worth nothing. The tenth time is made good by looting A to satisfy B. In other words, government is a broker in pillage, and every election is sort of an advance auction sale of stolen goods." ~ H. L. Mencken

      "Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule—and both commonly succeed, and are right." ~ H. L. Mencken

      It's simple its us or them. Either they will eliminate us or we must exercise our right of self defense and Rebel. The longer we play there game of deception the more power they achieve. Money flows to the top of the pyramid. And you can't control where you spend your money. You have to have food, gas, utilities, shelter, just who do you think controls these things? No matter what a billionaire has his hand in your wallet everyday. We all feed the pig.

      Mors Tyrannis

  11. You pretty much mailed it Robert. Every system I look at is broken (political, educational, medical, financial, environmental, banking, economic, democratic, constitutional, legal...). You've given a good summary of the financial, economic, banking world. I'm completely in alignment with your paragraph about what we need. Will it happen? Well, when I look at history, every empire has been here before. Most of the red flag precursors are present today. They signal some kind of revolution. I'm hoping it will be more like the Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia than the Bolshevik, Cuban, American, French revolutions. As my grandmother used to say, nothing is so constant as change...

  12. Im sure there are trillions of $ that have been created by the Fed that are not reflected on their books.Anyone believing they are forth coming with the real data needs cognitive assistance.
