Wednesday, September 6, 2023

The Ripple Effect of Appreciation


Recently I was on the phone with a friend and she told me she had interviewed a young woman earlier in the day on her podcast. In particular she told me of their conversation that followed the conclusion of the podcast.

The young woman shared with my friend that she had brought out the very best in her. The young woman expressed her gratitude, even saying she felt loved. As my friend described the conversion I could hear the smile in her voice. And I could hear her tear up. Her joy was palpable. I caught myself smiling along with her.

My friend’s story impacted me. Why not share my appreciation for people in my life, starting now?

The next morning I headed out into the world and I endeavored to find something to appreciate with each person whose path I crossed. My first stop was the gym at the local community center. I thanked the volunteer at the front desk for being there. I complimented a woman on her electric blue hiking shoes. I told one of the high school kids that I had missed seeing him and that I was glad that he had made it in. Then there were a couple of German tourists working out on the bench press and when one of them completed 10 reps at some three-hundred pounds I told him, “Du bist so toll (You’re so amazing).” Taken aback that I knew to say such a thing in his native tongue his reaction was as if I had awarded him an Olympic gold medal. He smiled broadly from ear-to-ear, nodded his head in approval and heartily responded, “Danke schön!”

I shared appreciations similar to these throughout the day ... and have continued to do so each day since. Endeavoring to bring a smile to others brings a smile to my face.

Sharing an appreciation can be either a profound or casual recognition for another’s qualities or actions. At times it can be a deeply emotional heartfelt gratitude where we express thankfulness for another’s kindness and support. Other times it can be as simple as a sincere compliment. When individuals acknowledge and appreciate one another it promotes one’s own self-esteem and confidence at the same time it cultivates relationships based on empathy, connection and mutual respect.

In today’s crazy world - and in times of social and political unrest - showing appreciation can be a unifying force. Demonstrating appreciation can strengthen interpersonal relationships, enhance mental and emotional well-being, family cohesion, uplift workplace cultures and reduce social tensions. Showing appreciation can be contagious. . . encouraging further acts of kindness.

I appreciate you reading my post. Thank you.

“Appreciation is a wonderful thing. It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well.” --Voltaire


  1. Well said, Hamburger!!

  2. Thank you for reminding us how easy it is to have a positive impact. Your insight is appreciated, as always.

  3. As I read this I was left with my own glow of happiness. Thank you.

  4. What a beautiful reflection on the power of appreciation. Your friend's story serves as a reminder of how a simple act of kindness can transform someone's day, and your decision to embark on a journey of expressing appreciation is inspiring. It's incredible how such small gestures can have a profound impact on people's lives. Thanks for your message spreading positivity and gratitude.

  5. We appreciate you every day Burger!

  6. Appreciation is always appreciated!

  7. Wonderful! Just this morning my mother and I were talking about how self-love frees us up to really appreciate others.

  8. Yes! We miss so much of what is front of us every moment because we are so lost in our minds. In embarking on your appreciation journey; you also received the most precious gift--the present moment.

  9. Your post struck a chord within me. It's incredible how a gesture of appreciation can brighten not only someone else's day but our own as well. I loved the part about the German tourists in the gym!

  10. Beautiful memories my old friend on my birthday! 77 and counting! Sounds like you’re doing well!!!!

  11. It appears that our subconscious mind have been in communication. I came to the same conclusion about a month ago, and I can't wait to say something nice, big or small, to everybody I come in contact with. And, of course this positive energy reflects back on you like a lazer you point at a mirror. This makes for what I call "the lightness of being", or, this is what they call "walking on air". I love your phrase "I could hear the smile in her voice - poetic! jb

  12. This is such a beautiful story! And it's so like you, Robert, to have the chutzpah to do it so well. You inspire me. You always have.

  13. Brilliant! I appreciate your wisdom Mr Hamburger

  14. Thank you for writing these and sharing them. I appreciate you sending them. This is lovely and rings so true. Inspiring!

  15. In a world filled with turmoil acknowledging the goodness in others can go a long way. I accept your suggestion to make appreciation a daily practice. Thank you for sharing this wonderful perspective.

  16. Nicely written RH. And you have a nice following.

  17. Thanks for the wonderful reminder! It's quite easy to express appreciation and gratitudes. Can be very uplifting for the sender and receiver.

  18. Thank you Hamburger! You brought a smile to my face. Well done sir.

  19. Love this! So timely - one of the kid's friends told them that I am a “magnificent woman.” I was gleeful for several days. Then realized that I can definitely share that type of gift with other people more. This is a good confirmation to complement and encourage others.

  20. Your words are a valuable reminder that appreciating others is not only an external gesture yet also an internal process that enriches our own lives. Your choice to spread appreciation reinforces the idea that we're all part of a larger community. I appreciated this.

  21. Beautiful, Professor Burger! I appreciate your spontaneous expressions of appreciation with the world around us! Of all the methods, hacks etc to ignite creativity and get into flow, simply sharing a thoughtful and complimentary observation with any/everyone we encounter opens the doors to creativity more than most for me (too?)!

  22. Who knew speaking a little German at the gym could turn you into an international appreciation ambassador? Danke schön for the laughs and smiles!

  23. Similarly to you I tried out this appreciation thing with everyone I met yesterday and now I'm a walking talking happiness dispenser!

  24. Excellent and thought provoking. Thank you.

  25. With all the faceless electronic communication used today, too many people have lost basic communication skills. A live compliment or simple acknowledgement can make all the difference in a person's day. My Community Center is so short on volunteers that every time I see one, I make it a point to recognize them and be appreciative of their efforts.

  26. Love it Burger, thanks for sharing that!

  27. I have done this for years and my brother did the same until he passed at the age of 92. I wave and speak to everyone. Evangelical author, Francis Shafer suggested in one of his books that doing such things may be the only time people see the goodness of God. Keep it up Hamburger. You have presented all of us with a great idea. After all kindness is one of the fruits of the spirit.

  28. A principal curated by the hippies as peace and love towards others, and squelched by the ignorance of the unenlightened.
