Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Compromised Visibilty


[Image Credit: Brett Gage/Flickr]

A reader of the blog sent me a fiery email with regards to The Highwire video with Del BigTree interviewing Robert Malone, pioneer of mRNA technology (see previous post). His email included a link to a “truth in media site” that brands both Bigtree and The Highwire as “conspiracy-pseudoscience.” He dismisses Malone, as “one of those doctors and scientists who go out on limbs and disagree with the majority of their peers.” He insinuated that what I was tuning into was dreck and writes: “I have taken to checking every source and weeding out the infinite bullshit. I invite you to do the same.”

Again, and as I am doing often these days when I hear such bravado, I quote Socrates: “True wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.”

There have been times when I have been critical of Bigtree; not all of his guests have garnered my respect. That aside, Bigtree is the uncommon individual who is walking his talk and has put everything (reputation, career, finances) on the line to stand with the families of vaccine-injured children. He is a better investigative broadcast journalist than Anderson Cooper, Rachel Maddow and Tucker Carlson - combined. Going out on a limb of my own I will even go as far as to say that Bigtree could emerge to be a Bernstein/Woodward of our times.

Malone meanwhile is hands down the most informative person I have come across when it comes to vaccines. It’s quite clear why Malone is not being picked up by the mainstream media, and he even addresses the subject. Malone is a wealth of information and I was especially captivated when he described Moderna’s dosing methodology. He had my full attention for one hour and 40 minutes and it was nothing but illuminating. For my reader to dismiss Malone is without knowledge or merit. 

Are those who denounce Bigtree the same ones who denounce Robert F. Kennedy Jr.? 

Didn’t the Kennedys used to be the good guys??

The validity and safety of the spike-protein-inducing injections became convoluted as I began to question. It is near impossible to know whom to trust. I know many who rail against the anti-vaccine message as being dangerous propaganda. Or, is Big Pharma (with its vaxxie revenues nearing $100 billion) and its armies of lobbyists (who have infiltrated every corridor of power) the real propagandists? Who is more predisposed (and financially vested) in its need to influence others - David or Goliath?

I have lived through the JFK assassination, Vietnam, Nixon abandoning the gold standard, IranContra, Reagan preaching small government while being the first president to double the debt, the 1987 stock market crash, the savings and loan scandal, Clinton’s good-for-all-Americans NAFTA, the 2008 financial crisis and the subsequent taxpayer bailout of banks. Never to this day do I believe that I have been told the truth of these events - and many others - by my/our/the government. 

I once read Bill Cinton’s first request as president to his chief of staff, Mack McLarty, was to have him procure the Roswell, New Mexico and JFK files. Why didn’t Clinton then release these files to all of us? The 9/11 Commission consented to George Bush and Dick Cheney’s conditions of being interviewed only while together, with neither being under oath and with no recordings to be made. These are not the recipes of transparency.

The narrative of the day and the truth are infrequent bedfellows, and such has been the case since I was a young boy. Transparency is a long lost virtue in Washington, D.C. and why people believe this time is different confounds me  … especially when 90% of the news media is now owned by six mega-corporations. 

Fear does a surreptitious dance with human beings’ ability to think critically.

Better information might be something other than the news that the mainstream/establishment outlets are dispensing.

When the way is not clear, slow down or pull over, pay attention.

I invite the aforementioned reader to reevaluate his news evaluation criteria and to watch the first 10 minutes of the Malone interview.

"First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they attack you. Then you win." 

--Mahatma Gandhi


  1. Moderna is now seeking to replace conventional flu vaccines with mRNA-based alternatives, and the mRNA Covid shots have not even been licensed yet! My question from the beginning has been what happens when a “vaccine” recipient gets the common cold this winter? Does anyone really know what the spike protein operating system will do in response? Endless mRNA and GMOing of our bodies cannot be the answer.

  2. Del Big Tree is a modern day hero. Also check out https://zachbushmd.com.

  3. Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel recently told Forbes that people will likely need to get an annual booster booster for covid and that boosters may “become part of one’s yearly medical ritual.” Are you kidding me? The other bootlegger, Pfizer, has come out and said its vaccine’s efficacy is waning. What happened to the good old days when vaccines provided immunity, no ifs, ands or buts?

  4. First, the mRNA injections should never be referred to as vaccines. They aren’t. Second, the story of the mRNA injections is only in the second inning. There’s a whole lot more finding out to be had.

  5. The reader you mention reminds me of Ralph Waldo Emerson’s famous idiom - a foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds. How can there be any hope for the human race when so many of the humans are asleep at the wheel?

  6. Kappa Variant NextJuly 21, 2021 at 10:48 AM

    mRNA flu injections that turn your body's cells into antigen factories are coming with scientists having locked in on this transhumanist model of altering your God given genetic instructions rather than preventing illness through healthy lifestyles and treatments using safe medicines. This is getting out of control right before our very eyes!

  7. I fully concur with your sediments here. There are now hundreds of high level doctors around the globe speaking out through these type of interviews on private, uncensored platforms, sounding the alarm on the long term hazards of this jab. Most of these doctors don't rely on "the system" for their paychecks, but they're all putting their reputations on the line by going against the narrative.

  8. 9/11/01 was a big wake up call for me and I've been skeptical of MSM and Gov't ever since. 911 Commission just swept everything under the rug. No full investigation, laughable engineering 'analysis' by NIST, ignoring or deflecting all the critical think questions. It's no different with this Cvid/ Vax mess. It takes these brave, independent, investigative journalist like Dell Bigtree to dig deep and draw out the truth for those willing to listen.

    1. A fully loaded jetliner crashes in Pa and leaves no wreckage.

    2. The wings of the plane did not penetrate the Pentagon; the fire engines pulled right up to the building.

  9. Sadly, it will take The Second American Civil War to bring this madness to an end.

    1. Sadly, I think you are 100% correct.

    2. Unfortunately, that's exactly what the elitists want. For people to take up arms against governments so they have an excuse to militarily engage. A Gandhi style revolution is the only way it will work. Peaceful resistance!

    3. Well, "BBill", Louis XIV and Marie thought they had it all under control, too; then The Crowd said "Enough!", reached for their torches and pitchforks and headed for the Bastille. We know what happened next. The "elitists" can want ice water in Hell if they so desire, but given that they're substantially outnumbered and their minions probably won't defend them when push comes to shove, their days are numbered, just as were Louis' and Marie's. If we're luckier than we deserve, a Gandhi-style opposition might be all that's needed, but I doubt it. The only reason Gandhi won with his non-violent tactics is that the British were smart enough to know it was the end for them in India, anyway, and let him have a Victory Parade with their tacit blessing.

  10. I STRONGLY URGE all here to get on Martin Armstrong's auto dial list. Usually three free articles published each day that are worthwhile.

    1. Thank you for the link, it looks very interesting and I will dig deeper later today.

  11. And to add what Anonymous has already envisioned, since History does not repeat but rhymes - attributed to Mark Twain - after The Second American Civil War there will be no Reunification or Reconstruction, at least not by a surviving United States of America. Instead of Reunification, there will be Balkanisation, and any Reconstruction will be left to the alliances formed by groupes of states with common economic interests.

  12. Thanks Robert. concise and well said.

    Within the last couple weeks I saw another dramatic headline saying something like, "Cases begin spiking again as the Covid death toll passes 600,000..."

    I could write paragraphs about this deceitful headline, but instead I wanted to put it in context and see if I could get a 50,000 foot perspective. I divided 600,000 by the US population: 600,000/350,000,000 = .17% (point one seven percent). That's the risk of dying from Covid. Miniscule. Less than many death risks we face day to day, like cancer, heart problems, medical error, obesity...

    This doesn't even take into consideration the gross inaccuracy of the death count. I have three nurses, a medical school and four doctors as clients or friends. Several of them tell me they received a directive from the CDC telling them that if the patient tested positive for Covid to put that as the cause of death on the Death Certificate. In other words they died "WITH Covid, not from it. I've seen various numbers, 65% - 80%, of those dying with Covid were over 70, obese, already very sick, had co-morbidities.

    And, the developer of the PCR yest is on record (video available online) saying the test was not designed to be used for diagnosis, and that if the sample were cycled more than 28 times the reading would be a false positive 100% of the time. It's been reported that most of the labs were cycling 40+ times.

    Add it up. 2 + 2 = 4 (I think it still does...)

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